Interview with Ronaldo Pitta Grós, Co-Founder /CEO at ABC do Empreendedor, A Portal of support to entrepreneurs, based in Luanda, Angola.


For those who don’t know you, tell us in few words: who is Ronaldo Pitta Grós and what is ABC do Empreendedor?

I am Ronaldo M. Pitta Grós, born 35 years ago in Luanda-Angola. I have received academic training in Luanda, South Africa and Portugal.
I graduated in business administration, in 2006, and since then I have carried out functions linked to the area of communication and Marketing for companies in the sectors of telecommunication, advertising, health and energy.
In 2015 I joined two other entrepreneurs, eager for a new challenge and together developed an online consulting platform, the ABC do Empreendedor, which has since been working on materials and tools that help people, mostly young, to improve their start-up businesses.

What problem are you solving in Africa, in your country or your community?

At this critical moment of the world economy, it is very common to talk about entrepreneurship and it’s importance for a country’s development. However, what is not said, is that the way to any entrepreneurial undertaking and consequent success requires a range of expertise and disciplines that are often lost in translation between those who have been exposed to business literature and those that haven’t, and hence many fall along the wayside.
It is necessary to warn the entrepreneurs about the challenge of undertaking, the mandatory criteria for those who want to survive and succeed at this challenge. More than wanting it, it is being qualified and available for the steps involved in the process and the patience to get to the “D”, without skipping the A, B, C “how to start your business on the right foot”. ABC do Empreendedor is allowing entrepreneurs to get the correct information and tools to plan, implement and manage their business the correct way, to grant them an advantage towards success.

Do you think this is the right time for your start-up to solve the problem?

Yes. This is the exact time to work on this problem. We must all look for better solutions and direct ways to help and facilitate the African ecosystem of doing business. Only then we will be able to build a better future.

Does your solution fit in the market?

It has been well accepted by the young entrepreneurs in Angola and it has been growing and influencing other entrepreneurs in other countries like Cape verde, Mozambique and Sao Tome and Principe.

Tell us more about your team, why are you the best to solve this problem?

ABC’s idea has emerged from the experience of the three partners of the project, who in their previous experiences of entrepreneurship overcame varied significant difficulties, in the area of rules and basics of investment and management. The three of us then thought (each at their own time of course) to create something that would help people to “start their business off on the right foot” and not make the same mistakes.

What makes you different in the market?

The ABC is a pioneer in its activity in Angola. This does not mean that there are no other institutions working with entrepreneurs and advising so that they can develop their activities in the best way, but ABC has brought to the market a new philosophy, in which it appreciates and encourages the empowerment of the entrepreneur to develop actions that they normally hire others to do. The fact that the services are fully available online, offers immediate access at a national and international level, exactly in the same proportion.

How do you measure your success?

We get the feedback from many entrepreneurs. And we also measure by the sign ups on our platform.

How innovative is your start-up? (In terms of Technological/Social innovation)

We provide content and tools in an easier and more accessible way, allowing everyone to have access to it without moving from their home or area of residence and especially at a much lower cost.

How are you scaling up the start-up?

Our main objective is to be recognized as an indispensable tool for entrepreneurs.
In the long run, we plan to lead ABC concept to other African countries such as Mozambique, Cape Verde, Saõ Tomé and beyond. We also wish to open call centres for added support to entrepreneurs.

What advice do you leave for budding entrepreneurs and new start-ups?

Networking is the answer for 70% of the difficulties when it comes to implementing a project. Joining synergies and efforts, exchanging services and know-how with strategic partners accelerates the chances of success and helps you to avoid risks.

Consult with ABC do Empreendedor at:, +244 9365 499 999 or

Artigo anteriorBwe Vip Group, startup baseada em Luanda , Angola.
Próximo artigoThe book for entrepreneurs, O livro para empreendedores.
Ibn Bacar
A dedicated editor spotlighting African startups, investments, technologies, and the expansive innovation landscape. With a keen eye for transformative stories and a passion for Africa's entrepreneurial spirit, Bacar expertly curates a platform that not only celebrates the continent's innovators and their breakthroughs but also delves into the intricate foundation of Africa's burgeoning innovation ecosystem.


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