On Time emerged in the Angolan market in December 2012. Without any strategic or financial planning, only responding to the needs of some “friends” who had the need of communicating their companies in the Angolan market. Headquartered in Luanda and representations in two strategic markets. We interviewed the founder Carolina Barros for more insights.

For those who do not know you, can you talk a little about Carolina and On Time?

Carolina Barros, Managing Director and Founder of On Time. Graduated in Marketing, specialized in brand Management  with years of experience on journalism in Angola. From 2010 to 2012 I worked for three large Angolan marketing agencies, and in 2012, through the influence of a friend, I began helping  / meeting some communication needs and, later, the need arose and / I was force to have a registered company.It costed 4000 USD to incorporate the company

What problem are you solving in Africa, in your country or in your community?

Africa, not yet. In Angola we give voice to small and large businessmen and individuals as to the importance of communicating. Make Entrepreneurs the stars, they are stars that the world needs to know if there were no professionals like us and channels like www,startupafrica.news, many Start Ups would not be known. This is the mission at On Time.

Do you think this is the right time for your startup to solve the problem?

Yes it is. We live in the booming  era. The era of young people , the era of resilience, but how will people become aware that A, B and or C are resilient individuals with brilliant ideas and projects if they are not communicated (it is not about publicity). A communication plan with head, trunk and limb and effective results generator? A

Is your solution suitable for the market?

Looking specifically at the Angolan market i would say yes, likewise for the African market

Tell us more about your team, why are you the best at solving this problem?

We are not the best but with some dexterity and strategies we can provide solution to our effective partners.

What makes you different in the market?

The strategy we have implemented, the reference we represent to some of our partners and above all the kind of partners that On Time has today. We think and act out of the box. “Always On Time”.

By what indicators can you measure the success of your startup?

I never answer that question. LOL

How innovative is your startup (technological / social innovation)

After On Time, many young people came up betting on the communication service and very well, because Angola is a vast country and people have learned how to “make money” by providing a communication service. I can consider this INNOVATION. Another element is the fact of our partnership with some institutions of higher education where we transmit to students that: PRESS OFFICE is also a way out.

What is the social impact you have created?

Today people have realized the importance of communication in business strategy. Communication has the same relevance as the Business Plan. If the entrepreneur does not have a consistent  communication plan  that  makes the necessary “noise” for him to be heard, he is less likely to succeed 

How do you think about scaling the startup / business?

In two ways: Where there is a business opportunity and where our customers are, all through local partners who know the local market.

What entrepreneurs inspire you in Africa?

Sibeth Ndiaye and Vera Daves.

What advice do you have for budding entrepreneurs and new startup companies?

Always believe in your idea and that failure is an integral part of growth. There is no victory without pain, you must fail to get it right. Fall to get up and ask for help.

For more information: www.ontime.co.ao contacts@ontime.co


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Ibn Bacar
A dedicated editor spotlighting African startups, investments, technologies, and the expansive innovation landscape. With a keen eye for transformative stories and a passion for Africa's entrepreneurial spirit, Bacar expertly curates a platform that not only celebrates the continent's innovators and their breakthroughs but also delves into the intricate foundation of Africa's burgeoning innovation ecosystem.


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