IBEForuM Hosts the Digital Learning Africa Summit


The COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be the driving force to boost e-learning. This conference is designed to bring together the digital learning solution providers from all over the globe that will support Africa’s vision of modernizing and digitizing the education sector, and solve the challenges of digital learning.

The EdTech market in Africa is expected to reach $350 Billion by 2025 as the demand for e-learning technologies are on the rise.

The expanded interest in utilizing educational innovations to evolve the learning techniques offers the chance to revamp the traditional teaching methods by introducing unique innovation for the African continent, aiming at the mission of Africa’s Agenda 2063.

The decision-makers in this strategic Summit are the Deputy Minister, Ministers, Chairmen, CEO, Director General, Deputy Director General Professor, Teacher, Lecturer, Principal/Dean, Education Technology Heads, etc. from Schools, Colleges Universities, Higher Education Academies, Government and Semi-Government Entities.

For more details, please visit https://www.africansummits.com/


Arif Ulla

Director | Product Development


+91 80 5006 0064, +91 984 511 3293, +1 347 474 1886


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