Africa in Colors festival: African creative Rendez-vous, Kigali 2020

• Africa in Colors festival organizers
• Africa in Colors summary
• Africa in Colors objectives
• Participating countries
• How to get involved in Africa in Colors festival


Africa in Colors festival is an annual festival going to take place in Kigali, from 26th March to 28th March in 2020, and we want to make it an annual Rendez-Vous of thinkers and pioneers in the creative industry in Africa, and partners from outside Africa.

As Raoul Rugamba, founder and producer of Africa in Colors, says, it is a great platform creative the industry should embrace and think collectively on how Africa should position itself on the global market of the creative industry, which would be of a great opportunity to African countries to create not only important revenues in the African economy but also a great asset to creating jobs for Africans.  

Africa in Colors will bring together 4 sectors in the creative industry, which are, fashion, art
(music, theater, painting, and visual arts), gaming, and film. The festival will bring key players all together to discuss how the whole chain of those industries work and interact together with the benefits of each of those players and our continent in general.

The platform’s objectives are:
• Connecting players of the creative industry
• Creating a trade era between Africans in the creative industry
• Creating a strong voice for the international market
• Sharing experience, failures, and success by successful players in the creative industry, In Africa and partners from outside Africa
• Create and sustain African creative industry ecosystems


The Africa in Colors festival is organized by Hobe Agency, a creative agency based and operating in Rwanda, focusing on creating content for Africa, and platforms that leverage and showcase the work of the African entrepreneur. Hobe Agency will partner with agencies based around Africa and outside to make sure it brings the best players to discuss the potential of the creative industry and how to make the best use of it, and make sure the creative industry from Across Africa does business.

We ware open to anyone, any company in the creative industry or involved in one or another way in the creative industry to join and share its experiences with us  By emailing OR  Visit our WEBSITE

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“Hobe Agency founded in 2015, with a creative team involved in the creative industry since
2008, is dedicated to contributing to building an African creative industry ecosystem better for Africans. For many years, Hobe Agency has contributed to the improvement and visibility of cultural activities and creating unique content, solutions, and platforms for the visibility of African entrepreneurs. As a continuation, Hobe Agency will be working on unifying and building a better and favorable environment for African creative industry players.

Sincerely yours;
Founder & CEO Hobe Agency & Africa in colors
Founder & Producer Africa in Colors Festival

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