Interview with Jurema Costa Founder / CEO at Quick Massage, a startup that provides massage in public places based in Luanda, Angola.

For those who do not know you, tell us in few words: who is Jurema and what is Quick Massage?

Hello, I am Jurema costa. I am 25 years old. I am a student and founder of the Quickmassagem startup since 2017 in Angola where I had the opportunity to exhibit at The liquid startup Angola in November 2017 and then won third place in the contest. The Liquid startup is a practical and experiential event where students develop startups.

Quickmassage, as the name implies, means quick massage, it is also known as chair or espresso massage. It is an oriental massage technique from shiatsu and Amma, (oriental massage techniques) made in a short time of 15 to 20 without having to remove the clothes and the use of massage oil can be made in various spaces with a specialized chair and in fetal position which in itself guarantees a great sensation of relaxation. And used in various realities outside of Angola like Brazil, Portugal, Dubai, South Africa, United States etc! Recommended on everything in Shopping malls, airports, hotels, swimming pools, beaches, fringes, hotels, Jim, etc.

What problem are you solving in Africa, in your country or in your community?

Living in a society like mine (Angolan, Luanda) a very hectic city with working people who get up early and sleep late for several reasons that each of us can talk about, causing several problems, such as physical and mental fatigue, painful headaches, poor blood circulation, poor productivity, stress, muscle aches, among others, I certify that it is time to start my startup in the market in order to solve the problems of Angolans’ everyday life, bringing improvement and innovation in our society.

Do you think this is the right time for your startup to solve the problem?

Being Angola a country with a great population density and that is increasing every day, now more than ever is the strategic moment that brings the solution to the mentioned problems. The number of workers is also increasing and so the market for my startup is expanding.

Does your solution fit the market? Do people want this?

People want and welcome my solution because it brings benefits to all and is what we all deserve.

Tell us more about your team, why are you the best at solving this problem?

We are a team created by young professionals and skilled workers in the area of Quick massage, endowed with professionalism, knowledge, responsibility and above all with the will and objectives to help our society to take care of itself to prevent and maintain health, as we promote with our work the well being as a whole.

What makes it different in the market?

What makes us different in the market is the model of walking massages. We sell health and wellness in a practical and convenient way. Using fast, relaxing, circulatory, energetic and pain relief techniques in designated areas.

How do you measure your success?

We measure our success by each service provided and the feedback of our clients.

How innovative is your startup/business? (technological / social innovation)

Social innovation, we bring a revolutionary new approach to massage and create civic engagement in cities.

What is the social impact ?

We bring social innovation! With this we contribute to job creation for young people because we put young people working at strategic points, knowing that there are several young people looking for a job, this is a very strategic way to make a difference.

How are you expanding the startup/business?

At the moment the model will work in Angola, but as the problem is not only Angolan, the vision will be to climb to urban cities in Africa, the neighbouring countries as the first step.

What advice do you have for budding entrepreneurs and new startups?

The advice I give to young entrepreneurs  and new startups is to believe in the potential of each one, not to give up even if you do not open the door you need at the moment, do not fail to undertake, reinforce your business ideas and let us all be united in favour of progress and the construction of an Angola with entrepreneurs who m

ake happen to give their best.

Find Jurema for more details on QuickMassage:

facebook: Quick Massage,


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