MozSlam is an annual project designed and produced by Palavra & Palavras Eventos, Lda which aims to encourage the creation and revitalization of the contemporary poetry scene through public reading performances. Mozlam has the format similar to a sarau or spoken word meeting.

MozSlam aims to bring together young people from different perspectives and styles, such as poets, writers, musicians, rappers, journalists, students, etc., in recitals that will have the active participation of the public, choosing the best performance and text presented.

The idea arises because we find that poetry is only known in the student milieu, and that it does not find continuity in society, this contributes to the non-emergence of great poets and young writers.
We also find there is a lack of many events that devote the poetry and the lack of space so that the poets and writers can present their works.

This project has as a differentiation the creation of a harmonious environment between the culture where poetry and literature is the main focus, so the youth can have a meeting with the arts contributing to the development of culture in Mozambique.

The project will contribute not only to artistic growth in Mozambique, but also to the appreciation of Poetry and Literature, which are considered the world’s leading arts. The purpose of the qualifiers is to select 12 Slamers for each city. Totaling 24 Slammers who will compete for the three semi-finals, where 12 will go to the final. The semi-finals will be held at the Gil Vicente Café Bar on October 16, 17 and 18

In each semi – final will be selected 4 Slammers, totaling 12 Slammers going to the final. From this group, a winner of the winners will be selected to compete in the World of Poetry Battle, in Paris – France in 2020. The Grand Final is scheduled for October 19 at the Centro Cultural Franco Moçambicano

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