IFEDGLOBAL outdoors HRH Prince Ebrahim as Life Patron.


1000 Youths from 35 African Countries to attend International  Youth Diplomacy Conference in Accra, Ghana this July by initiative of IFEDGLOBAL whose Patron is HRH Prince Ebrahim of Gambia.

“I do not believe we can repair the basic fabric of Society until people who are willing to work have work. Work organizes life. It gives structure and discipline to life”

Bill Clinton.

Unemployment is simply the state of not having a job. Though unemployment is seen manifested all over the world, the case of Africa is very dilapidating to say the least.

African youth (15-24 years) constitute about 37 percent of the working age population, but account for more than 60 percent of all African unemployed people in Africa (AFDB 2013). To address this high youth unemployment rate and mismatch of qualification in Africa, labour force participation needs to increase by providing employment opportunities to youths in particular. With high-quality jobs predominantly provided by private sectors to absorb new workforce entrants and increase overall productivity, there is a need for paradigm shift as young people should be empowered with necessary entrepreneurial skills to enable them to create their own enterprise and thereby increase and sustain the economic state.

Mostly, unemployment in Africa among the youth is caused due to the lack of vocational guidance and training facilities. This is because education system in Africa is defective as it provides purely academic and bookish knowledge which is not job oriented. The need of the hour is that there must be sufficient number of technical training institution and other job oriented courses offered. Thus, key action and deliverables of this conference is:

  • To provoke out the creative mind of the African youths into action for self-empowerment through technological innovations and entrepreneurship.
  • To engage African philanthropists, chief executive officers (CEOs) and private sectors to develop and support transformative youth development initiatives towards building entrepreneurial skills and capacities of African youths.

IFEDGLOBAL (Innovation For Empowerment and Development) is an educational and advocacy NGO that uses its programmes and projects to empower the lives of people especially the youths and translate the power into development in Africa and beyond. IFEDGLOBAL aims to have a network of African social entrepreneurs to spearhead a revolution of positive change, to raise honest leaders in Africa that believe in integrity and also, to create a platform of volunteers to participate in some societal development projects. IFEDGLOBAL whose head office is located in Accra Ghana is nevertheless making positive impact on the globe with its ripple effects spreading across Africa and thus converging over 1000 youths from 35 African countries this year for her annual International Youths Diplomacy Conference (IYDC) under her auspices with the theme of this year: “Investing in Entrepreneurship and Technology innovations; A curb to youth unemployment”.

The International Youth Diplomacy Conference (IYDC) is an innovation of the Model United Nations Conference. It is a simulation of the United Nations General Assembly, Security Council, and other agencies under the United Nations which combines youths across Africa and beyond to discuss pertinent issues of Global interest. IYDC, mostly hold in Accra Ghana is educative as well as entertaining. It is a gathering for those who like to enrich their knowledge in Diplomacy, International relations and Model United Nations simulation. The organization contributes to nation building by accepting delegates from several countries and background, to teach them with know-how technicalities on how to manage societies at the annual conference. Thereby, “Raising young leaders in the field of Diplomacy” as IFEDGLOBAL believes; “Diplomats are the ideal people who can rule the world”.

The grandeur of this year conference cannot be overemphasized as it is honorably and royally patroned by one of the best African diplomats and an African prince; His Royal Highness (HRH) Prince Ebrahim. He is the 8th “Sibi Karang Mansa” (Crown Ruler) and sacred custodian of the Royal Realm of Batelling (est. 1307) in Gambia. The professional background of Prince Ebrahim is of an investment Banker and Strategic Developmental Economist. With specialization in major International Development Projects Financing; Public Sector Enterprises Reforms (Divestiture, Divestment and Privatization); Public Policy and Management

(Public services and Public administration).

HRH Prince Ebrahim is an experienced International Diplomacy Advisor. He is a member of Chatham Environmentalist and a keen philanthropist. He is the founder of Prince Ebrahim Future Africa Foundation (PEFAF); An African focused charitable foundation that was established with the aim of uplifting and instilling spirit of self-sufficiency and self-reliance by empowering them with the tools and knowledge to excel and make a better/independent living.

What every participant should expect at this year Conference;

  • Acquiring of relevant knowledge through IFED Model United Nations Conference and IFED Development programs in the areas of human Diplomacy, Human and International relations.
  • Ambassadorial visit
  • IFED Socials and Tours
  • Ambassadorial Dinner and Awards


Definitely, this Conference is going to be an uncommon encounter whereby participants skills will be honed, re-honed and spark up global competitors that will be the driver of sustainable development in their respective nations and continents. IYDC is a sure place where giants and revolutionary actors and armies are made to restage and redeem the society image.

It is therefore, on this platform that IFED with arms widely opened, welcomes every participants from across every part of the globe as they feature in this historical and life transforming gathering of “Change Makers and Nation Builders”.

See you at IYDC Accra Ghana from July 17th – 21st, 2018

Artigo anteriorMendy Lusaba, founder & CEO at Chris and Geo Placements
Próximo artigoMeet Carolina Barros, Founder/ CEO of On Time
Ibn Bacar
A dedicated editor spotlighting African startups, investments, technologies, and the expansive innovation landscape. With a keen eye for transformative stories and a passion for Africa's entrepreneurial spirit, Bacar expertly curates a platform that not only celebrates the continent's innovators and their breakthroughs but also delves into the intricate foundation of Africa's burgeoning innovation ecosystem.


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