The Future of the Petroleum Industry in Mozambique


We can survive this global health and economic crisis with COVID-19 and crumbling prices of energy commodities, reveals the CEO of Mozambique Energy Intelligence.

Momade Mucanheia, the Founder and CEO of Mozambique Energy Intelligence, an independent information, training and scientific research start-up revealed this Friday that the company is launching the Very First Energy and Mining Scientific Journal in the Country and is codenamed ENERMINA, meaning ENERGIA e MINAS or Energy and Mining. The project that still in its establishment phase, aims to supply scientific information that helps players to plan, decide and act better in energy and mining markets.

Mucanheia believes that, If we are certain we will survive, It’s critical and let us know think how we can help others survive in this crisis!*

MEI is engaged in building roots for knowledge, informed decision-making planning, local content and market development in Mozambique Energy and Mining Industries. As he stated, Mozambique Energy Intelligence (MEI) is technically supporting the Mozambique Parliamentary Forum on Natural Resources Management and Conservation. MPFCNR is high-level Forum where partners (private and non-government) engage policy-makers through educational workshops. MEI provide essential and scientific information enabling intelligent choices and action in energy and mining. We do with passion and holistic understanding. To know more on we a changing the industry e-mail us on


Artigo anteriorCOVID-19 and The African Continental Free-Trade Area (AfCFTA)
Próximo artigoMozambique Parliamentary Natural Resources Management and Conservation Forum to Host a Digital Strategic Planning Session (2020-2024)
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