The “Txapita” app allows passengers to track the location of their bus and the forecast of their arrival at the stop. Beneficiaries believe the initiative will make the transport system more flexible and avoid shortening routes in the Grande Maputo region.

A chronic problem in the Grande Maputo region… Urban Mobility…

The long lines of passengers waiting for a bus to drop them off at their destination… on average, the stay at the stop is 30 minutes.

It’s apparently a few minutes, but painful for those eager to get home and who are in a sea of ​​uncertainty as to when the bus will arrive, but almost all passengers are sure it would be nice if they knew.

What passengers still do not know is that from their cell phone, they can track the location of the bus and its arrival time at the bus stop.
The Mobile APP is called “Txapita”. A system installed in public transport that allows passengers, from their cell phone, to know the location and time that the bus will arrive at the stop, according to René Menezes, one of the creators of the system.

In addition to adding value to the passenger, the app helps to find public institutions, control traffic, send travel feedback, report harassment, and menaces, evaluate the bus and many more features.

The creators of the system have ensured that it has already been installed on some buses that take the following routes: Baixa-Boane; Primeiro de Maio- Museum; Magoanine-Baixa; Museum – Zimpeto and Matola-Baixa City. However, on the ground the reality is different.

Most cars do not yet have the system. And that must be why the president of the Maputo Metropolitan Agency thinks it will be a challenge to make the application work to its fullest. In fact, he calls on all passengers and transport operators to contribute to the system to help improve transport management in Grande Maputo.

The app can also help in identifying the level of road congestion in the Greater Maputo region.

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