An Overview of Investment Opportunities across the Continent

Northern Africa became an ecosystem for startups due to the increasing amount of pre-seed and seed funds. We’ll take a look at funding key statistics, specifics of each country’s landscape, and trends that makes this region potentially interesting for raising capital. 

The analysis is made by Private Equity List, a platform for those who’re looking for funding with 6,000 PE/VC funds and 23,000 investor contacts, with a focus on specific regions like Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.

The funding landscape in North Africa showed positive signs of growth. While it may vary from country to country, overall, there was an upward trend in the number of funding deals and the total amount of capital invested in startups across the region.

The average investment size in North Africa differed based on the startup stage and the country’s overall economic conditions. As of 2023, the average investment size for pre-seed was around $50,000 while for seed companies — about $500,000.

The top five primary investment sectors for pre-seed and seed in Northern Africa are as follows:

  • Information and technology. Startups in the IT and software sectors were gaining traction, with a focus on software development, mobile applications, SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solutions, and innovative tech products. With the increasing internet penetration and digital adoption in the region, e-commerce platforms and online marketplaces were attracting investment for their potential to tap into a growing consumer base.
  • Healthcare. Startups leveraging technology to improve healthcare services, telemedicine, medical devices, and health-related platforms were also receiving attention from investors.
  • Education Technology. Edtech startups focusing on e-learning platforms, online tutoring, and educational content development were considered promising investment opportunities.
  • Renewable Energy and Clean Tech. In response to the increasing focus on sustainability and renewable energy sources, startups working on clean energy solutions and green technologies were attracting pre-seed and seed investments.
  • AgriTech. Agriculture-related startups, including those involved in precision farming, agricultural supply chain optimization, and farm management technologies, were also on the radar of investors.

Now let’s take a look at funds in every country. 



Sawari Ventures


You can find more funds in Egypt here.



Capsa Capital

Search for more here.


Outlierz Ventures

Maroc Numeric Fund

There are also programs that help startups with funding and expertise, for example, Sahara Ventures and 212 Founders.

More funds in Morocco are here.

Algeria, Libya, Sudan

There are not many opportunities for startups in Algeria, Libya, and Sudan. However, it’s possible to participate in the A-VENTURE accelerator or request funding in the ASF fund in Algeria. In Libya, there is a local accelerator tec+, and also the Libyan Investment Authority fund where you can get funding. Tadawul Financial Group manages here too and suggests opportunities to participate in their accelerator and VC fund. Sudan has the Kinyeti Venture Capital fund and a number of programs for startups such as Khartoum Impact Hub and Sudan Angels.

Find more funding opportunities for startups at 

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