Meet Feven and Rahwa, Founders of Wawi and Unbox

awi founders, Feven and Rahwa Gebremeskel Gebrearegawi are two driven sisters that wake up every day inspired by the potential of the creative and sustainable fashion sector to amplify authentic Ethiopian and African stories.

Wawi is a fashion and lifestyle brand with each individual product revealing authentic and diverse lived stories of people living in Ethiopia and across AfricaThe name WAWI is a geez word in the ancient Ethiopian language. The needle on a belt is its direct translation. Metaphorically the needle represents connection, without it the two parts of the belt do not connect. This name is particularly fitting as they envision merging creativity and storytelling with modern fashion.


Stemming from a Pan-Africans entrepreneurial family, diligent in teaching them about their rich culture, Feven and Rahwa made it their responsibility to shift the narrative away from the focus on Ethiopia’s drought, poverty, and instability as portrayed in mainstream media and instead showcase their culture. WAWI was co-created from this lesson to establish modern, artisan-inspired fashion that weaves together the many stories of Ethiopia and connects them to the world.

But Feven and Rahwa entrepreneurial journey does not end there. They also set up a Brand Strategy and Research Company called UNBOX. UNBOX currently works with several clients including Euromonitor international, Goethe Institut, Deborah Foundation, Social enterprise Ethiopia, Oromia Construction Cooperation and etc. The money generated from this company is reinvested back to build the WAWI brand. The next big vision for WAWI is to set up a creative center whereby they will be able to nurture young creative talents in order to positively influence the way our community connects with creativity and storytelling.

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