Amazing interview with King Levi, a worldwide fashion icon, from Mozambique to the world


For those who don’t know you, tell us in a few words:  who is king Levi and what is KLD?

King Levi is a public figure,  fashionista, lifestyler, and influencer, KLD is a Mozambican models agency and fashion events production.

It is likely to have been its world-class elegance and a strong presence on social networks, magazines, and TVs, which put the young fashion stylist King Levi among the most prominent celebrities in Mozambique and in the World, yet his qualities extend into an Impressive list of extracurricular achievements. Very inspired by the Pitti Uomu classic free style.
Multi-faceted and multi-disciplinary, King Levi is a social activist, creative director and entrepreneur, founder, and CEO of the prestigious fashion agency KLD Agency and it KLD clothing line brand.
He rises in the fashion world is the result of a selfless passion for good taste, evolutionary learning, and his constant innovation in looks and styles.
A fashion consultant at the iconic TV Station in Mozambique STV and invited to various television and radio stations, he is publicly recognized for his outstanding work and contribution, with an emphasis on holding parties and events full of glamor and class, being a legitimate influence on the trends and dress code of many young men.
In 2014, he began the internationalization plan for his brand, establishing professional projects and interactions with various designers and prestigious fashion agents, such as personal stylist Cardoso José and the acclaimed photographer Elton Varela of Vogue magazine, both based in Lisbon, Portugal.

It is in this ambit that accumulates experiences and participation (national and international) in magazines and fashion events, especially Mozambique Fashion Week and Mercedes Benz Fashion Week.
Famous for its eclectic style, extremely creative and focused on details, it is a must-have when it comes to lifestyle, being one of the main drivers of the classic-modern lineage in the country and the World, embodying styles and legacies that satisfy even the most discerning connoisseurs.

In constant reinvention and progress, King Levi launched in 2016 its first winter collection NDZILO.

Man of an easy smile loves good sewing and accessories, tries and mixes colors, his presence does not go unnoticed. Thousands of people daily follow his pages on social networks, seeking inspiration and guidance.

His entrepreneurial spirit led to investment in a relevant service in his area of activity, but little explored in the country: the fashion consulting materialized with the creation of KLD Agency.

Following the publication of his impressive work in Lisbon by TRENDE (Contestant for the African Entertainment Legend Awards), King Levi became an ambassador for this prestigious fashion magazine.

His work and style have been all over the main male fashion blogs around the World, now based in Morocco looking forward to work with brands from USA, Paris and around North Africa.

In May 2016, found Fancy Fashion event, in Mozambique. Inspired by the current World Trends, Levi with KLD Agency Team was determined to establish a branded event that would help promote African fashion, designers as well as other brands across the African continent while displaying sophisticated workmanship.

In 2017 Fancy launched its first Official fashion event and since then has been able to.

Levi started working together with prestige designers and models during the first show laying the foundations of the expansion that was to come. Levi broke new ground in the Fashion Events sector ensuring uncompromised quality criteria across the entire events management cycle. Levis creative talent, unique style, charm, and avant-garde approach has attracted the attention of the global fashion industry, while his ability to look at the world from an unconventional vantage point allowed him not only to anticipate but quite often, to set new trends.

What problem are you solving in Africa, in your country or your community?

We are redefining the African narrative by helping young talented African designers, models and other artists unleash their true potential and showcase their talent to the world, all our projects are from Africa, by Africans.  We also help young students start their modeling career and fashion design.

Do you think this is the right time for your start-up to solve the problem?

Definitely, we are in the globalization era where people have been copying everything from the western, mainly when it comes to fashion, now it is time to make people be inspired by local talent and Africans in general.

Does your solution fit in the market? (Do people want it)?

Sure, the market is so eager to having or to getting inspired by local influencers, fashionistas, and local clothing brands, this not only boost self-esteem but also makes people feel comfortable and pride of being African.

Tell us more about your team, why are you the best to solve this problem?

KLD is an agency with few collaborators and all fashion lovers. We dedicate our time to selecting the top models and designers of the country to bring a unique experience on all our events and services.

 What makes you different in the market?

 We are experienced in this industry, award-winning founder.

 How do you measure your success?

The awards I get from different corners of the world, the number of people, artists, and partners joining our events. 

How innovative is your start-up? (Technological/social innovation)

We use the power of the social media to reach the almost 40k people that love our projects and thus being recognized worldwide.

 What is the social impact of your start-up?

There many young people with the dream of becoming a model someday, with the required physique. However, they have no opportunities in the country to unleash their true potential. We help these youngsters start a dream career in the fashion world.

 How are you scaling up the start-up?

 Our brand is already recognized in Africa and worldwide.

What advice do you leave for budding entrepreneurs and new starups?

Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of  succeeding in life at thigs that don’t really matter.


For those interested in King Levi and his startup, can follow them at Instagrams: @Sr.King_dapper/ @fancy.fashion_event. The same handle names for Facebook. Or personally reach out at +212 622011117 (address). Ave. Karl Marx 1902, Maputo Mozambique.

Artigo anteriorDigital media house in Kigali, Rwanda
Próximo artigoMóvelcare, a Micro- Insurance Platform start-up


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