Modi Maleiane :The power of storytelling


Modi Maleiane is a Mozambican female serial and social entrepreneur, she uses the power of storytelling to inspire both new generation of business leaders and seasoned leaders. With her project named “45 minutos de sucesso”, meaning 45 minutes of success, she narrates real life stories of people who have gone through hardships to start their ventures and obtain wealth, using herself as a primary example.

Modi Maleiane is capitalizing the power of streaming platforms like youtube to communicate the message to as many people in the Portuguese-speaking countries. Recently, she has been invited to speak at the TEDxWomen In Maputo where again she narrated inspiring stories that led to new entrepreneurial opportunities.

She is bringing a new approach for eradicating women unemployment by advocating for women to stand up and climb the very high steps to occupy the very significant roles of leadership and social change. On her talks she focuses on the difference between Jobs and Works, and encourages people to focus on works rather than jobs, as for jobs are becoming more temporary and work has more longevity.

The main target of her talks is women but men are also encouraged to participate and contribute as much as they can.

The word that transforms is the theme for the last talk of the businesswoman and speaker Mody Maleiane. The lecture series is part of the 45-minute of success project, a motivational series for the general population.

Modi is changing the narrative of motivational talks in Mozambique.Not many women in Mozambique are active on internet and media in general. We believe Modi will be an inspiration for many other women willing to showcase their ideas to the world, the power of women leadership and civic engagement.

Startup Africa is willing to interview Modi for more insights on her entrepreneurial journey.

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  1. Mody transforma histórias de vida em algo de sucesso que cada participante encontra. Ver e ouvir Mody, deixa-nos com vontade de nunca dizer:não!


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