The cargo handled at the port of Maputo in 2019 reached 21 million tonnes, beating the record of 19.5 million tonnes registered in 2018, said the Maputo Port Development Company (MPDC).

The growth observed in 2019 was due, primarily, to the processing of larger quantities of chromium and substantial growth in the number of containers and the tonnage of magnetite. 

The statement issued on Tuesday showed that chromium accounted for 30% of all cargo handled, with 6.4 million tonnes or 82% of the total cargo arriving at the port of the Mozambican capital by road.

“However, the joint effort is undertaken by the Mozambican port and railway company (CFM), South African railway company TFR and the port of Maputo continue to produce positive results in obtaining a better balance between road and rail freight,” the statement said.

In 2020, following the completion of the project for the recovery of dock (the first phase will be delivered in May 2020 and the second stage in July 2020), additional growth and greater efficiency in cargo processing are expected.

The refurbishment will not only create a dock with a draft of up to -16 meters but will also improve the occupancy rate by increasing the docking area.

The acquisition of new equipment for processing cargo, including two mobile cranes, shovels, loaders, tractors, diggers for unloading wagons, etc. also contributed to the results achieved in the processing of bulk cargo.

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