JoBridge, get matched with the candidates and job you desire


JoBridge, get matched with the candidates and job you desire

JoBridge Company has an outstanding vision of connecting students and different potential companies around the globe. Before the idea came into actions, there was an identified problem of having many people especially the youth failing to get information regarding how and where they can be able to make their talents and professions known and used. Therefore, from such a situation, arises JoBridge. As a startup company, it seeks to provide a potential solution to many students and companies and in this case, students will be able to have their professions known and companies will also have that great chance of easily getting potential students/Graduates who are fit for their open vacant job positions and this saves time for companies that they would have spent on the normal recruitment process.

With a clear and great vision, JoBridge aims at having at least ten thousand registered users by the end of June.  As the number seems not to be satisfying the mission of the company, it also has a target of having almost fifty thousand registered and active users on the platform by the end of July. All this great and hard work needs to be achieved within the year 2018. As this is seems to be a very huge target for the company, it does mean the company itself can succeed toward that. This means that students and companies are free and welcomed into the process of widening the company’s platform. All they need to do is to sign up and create a free account on the platform and the connection process starts by then.

How does JoBridge users contribute towards the company’s development? All they need is to act as the company’s agents which they are once they register. That is when you become a user of the platform, you are highly encouraged to spread out that good news about the company’s outstanding potential to your fellows and by then, you widen the JoBridge community. The very goodness of this is that, the more you engage others to join the platform, the more connections you get and who knows? Some might be your future employers and employees!

If you still doubt the need to join the JoBridge platform, checkout for the time taken by companies to find potential candidates fit for their job vacant positions. Again, do not ignore the fact that students or graduates normally don’t have information about new open job positions and to make the matter worse, they do not even have a way to come together and share that kind of information. Then why not joining the JoBridge to put an end to such barriers.

The process is simple, open and accessible to anyone across the world. All you need is to visit www.thejoBridge,com and create an account, get matched and connected with candidates or jobs you desire.




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Ibn Bacar
A dedicated editor spotlighting African startups, investments, technologies, and the expansive innovation landscape. With a keen eye for transformative stories and a passion for Africa's entrepreneurial spirit, Bacar expertly curates a platform that not only celebrates the continent's innovators and their breakthroughs but also delves into the intricate foundation of Africa's burgeoning innovation ecosystem.


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